Friday, March 8, 2013

35-36 Weeks (03/05/13)

Well, I’ve had 2 appointments since we last talked, as Dr. Moulton started me weekly “in case I go early.”  Since I was checked on Wed, there has been no progress towards a baby at all, so there is some relief.  I’m not dilated at all, and my cervix is still really high, so we’re proceeding as planned.

I did ask about making April 2nd our official day, if Lindly isn’t here before then.  I was told we could make it happen, as long as my cervix is favorable, meaning I have started to dilate.  Please cross your fingers, as I’d love for this baby girl to share her birthday with her Nana.

I’m still measuring on time, according to Dr. Moulton, so I’m still hoping for a LITTLE girl… one can always hope, right??  Just because Carson was big…

My hands and feet are starting to swell more and more, but I put my feet up during the day at work, so they aren’t so bad.  As for my hands, having the baby is the only real solution.  I can no longer wear my wedding ring L, but I have a beautiful substitute for the time being.

I am still feeling really good, just getting tired more easily and this belly is getting heavy.  I really can’t complain, though, as my life hasn’t stopped, and things are going well.  No complications, so I consider myself very blessed.

I have started to get some leg pains, and those are coming from Lindly pinching a nerve.  Lovely.  They go away after a few seconds, so they aren’t a concern at this time.  If the pain stays for any period of time, then we might have an issue. 

We are starting to talk about getting my bag packed (gasp!) and are getting our notification list together for the big arrival news.  There are so many little things to worry about/consider, but we’re just trying to focus on the big tasks for now.  We’re trying not to get too overwhelmed or stress ourselves out!  That, and I keep telling myself that I have 3.5 weeks, so we have more than enough time.  As for now, I will keep thinking that way, as it helps with my sanity.

Delivery will be at Overland Park Regional, and I will be going next week sometime for my pre-admission appointment.   Yes, I should have done that a few weeks ago, but… I figured there was no hurry!  Call it denial, procrastination, whatever…

Anyways, we are excited for this new baby, while we nervously prepare for her arrival!

Smiles and Blessings,
CJ, Danie, Tanner, Carson, and Lindly J

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