Thursday, March 14, 2013

37 weeks and name debate

Here is Drew, daughter of my best friend, and my newest niece.  She was born by an unplanned c-section.  She was 6 lb 4oz and 19.25 in.  Mom and baby are doing pretty well.  Drew is in the NICU as her bilirubin levels are high and her blood sugar is a little low.  They will both be in the hospital until Thurs, at least. 

I think she looks like Josh in this picture.

Ok – saw Dr. Moulton last night.  Things are looking to be right on schedule, which is very positive.  Way too much to do at work and home between now and then to even think about going early!

Everything on the baby looks good; she had a strong heartbeat, and she was moving all over the place when the med student was trying to find the heartbeat.  It was quite entertaining.  The movements just confirmed that Lindly is passing her “kick counts” with no issues.  My blood pressure was a little higher than last week, but still very normal, and my weight actually went down a little bit.  Woo hoo!  By the sounds of it, Dr. Moulton thinks Baby Girl will probably be the same size as Carson.  Well, I’m still hoping she may be smaller.  It could happen, right?

On to the next issue: Cj and I cannot agree on how to spell Lindly’s name.  I want her name to be Lindly, as that’s how Lind-say and Car-ly spell their names, and I think it’s adorable.  Cj thinks it should be spelled Lindley.  He thinks it flows better that way, and that way we aren’t having a different spelling to Lindly’s name.  He says the name is still representing Lindsay and Carly, even with the “e” in there.  I just don’t care for the “e,” and I’m not crazy about the way it looks.  Cj’s other thought is that I named Carson, which I did for the most part.  His name was supposed to be Carson Joseph, but Tanner didn’t want Carson to ever be called “Cj” so I changed the middle name to William.  Cj says I came up with Lindly’s name, so I should let him have the “e.” 

Anyways, any input you have to our debate would be greatly appreciated, as it is becoming quite an issue at our house.  Thanks!

Smiles and Blessings,
CJ, Danie, Tanner, Carson, and Lindl(e)y

Friday, March 8, 2013

35-36 Weeks (03/05/13)

Well, I’ve had 2 appointments since we last talked, as Dr. Moulton started me weekly “in case I go early.”  Since I was checked on Wed, there has been no progress towards a baby at all, so there is some relief.  I’m not dilated at all, and my cervix is still really high, so we’re proceeding as planned.

I did ask about making April 2nd our official day, if Lindly isn’t here before then.  I was told we could make it happen, as long as my cervix is favorable, meaning I have started to dilate.  Please cross your fingers, as I’d love for this baby girl to share her birthday with her Nana.

I’m still measuring on time, according to Dr. Moulton, so I’m still hoping for a LITTLE girl… one can always hope, right??  Just because Carson was big…

My hands and feet are starting to swell more and more, but I put my feet up during the day at work, so they aren’t so bad.  As for my hands, having the baby is the only real solution.  I can no longer wear my wedding ring L, but I have a beautiful substitute for the time being.

I am still feeling really good, just getting tired more easily and this belly is getting heavy.  I really can’t complain, though, as my life hasn’t stopped, and things are going well.  No complications, so I consider myself very blessed.

I have started to get some leg pains, and those are coming from Lindly pinching a nerve.  Lovely.  They go away after a few seconds, so they aren’t a concern at this time.  If the pain stays for any period of time, then we might have an issue. 

We are starting to talk about getting my bag packed (gasp!) and are getting our notification list together for the big arrival news.  There are so many little things to worry about/consider, but we’re just trying to focus on the big tasks for now.  We’re trying not to get too overwhelmed or stress ourselves out!  That, and I keep telling myself that I have 3.5 weeks, so we have more than enough time.  As for now, I will keep thinking that way, as it helps with my sanity.

Delivery will be at Overland Park Regional, and I will be going next week sometime for my pre-admission appointment.   Yes, I should have done that a few weeks ago, but… I figured there was no hurry!  Call it denial, procrastination, whatever…

Anyways, we are excited for this new baby, while we nervously prepare for her arrival!

Smiles and Blessings,
CJ, Danie, Tanner, Carson, and Lindly J

34 weeks (02/19/13)

The appointment Wednesday started out fine, until Dr. Moulton uttered the words “in case you go early” for the 3rd time.  Is he trying to tell me something??  I was too busy trying to over-analyze that I forgot to ask. 

Anyways, I will start going weekly, instead of waiting 2 more weeks then starting weekly appointments.  I will have the strep b test next week (again, at 35 weeks, “just in case”) and continue weekly until the princess arrives. 

I’m measuring on time, and baby girl is very active.  She proves that when we are at the doctor, as she moves away from the Doppler, so the med student has to keep searching for her to get a good heartbeat. 

I’m still feeling really good, and I’m still going to the gym.  I’ll go until I’m told I can’t, either by my body or the doctor.  He has cleared me to go, as I was an avid exerciser before.  Good thing, as that helps keep me sane!

Carson told me this morning that he can’t wait to meet his baby sister and see what she looks like.  Me, too, buddy!  He also talked about walking around with her.  Uh, no.  I let him know that he can hold her, but only if he’s sitting down.  He needs to be bigger in order to hold her.  Big like Tanner?  Exactly. 

Hope y’all are doing well and aren’t completely snowed in.  Be safe and careful out there!!  For those of you who don’t have 8+ inches of snow, you can have mine!

Smiles and Blessings,
CJ, Danie, Tanner, Carson, and Lindly J

32 weeks (02/14/13)

I’m hoping to have photos to send in the next day or so, as this belly keeps getting bigger than I remember it being possible.  I am almost as big as I was full-term with Carson.  Yikes!  However, things are still going really well.

Dr. Moulton said everything looks really good, and the swelling in my hands is completely normal.  He let Carson help him with the Doppler to find Lindly’s heartbeat, which was just too cute.  Carson was very excited to help us hear his little sister.

I only freaked out once during the visit.  Dr. Moulton said that after my next visit (34 weeks), he wouldn’t stop my labor, if it happened to start.  Uh, what??   Ya, you will—I’m not ready!!  I’m not sure if I actually said that out loud, but I sure was thinking it with a panicked look on my face. 

Nothing else to report, really.  Sleep still isn’t going well, but that’s to be expected.  No, the nursery isn’t started, but we figure baby girl will be in our room for 6-7 months, so no worries.  We have plenty of time.  Yes, I will work up until the very end, as there’s no reason for me to sit at home.  Besides, I would lose my precious time off with my princess to sit around waiting for her to get here.  Not worth it to me. 

Until next time (or photos)…

Smiles and Blessings,
Cj, Danie, Tanner, Carson, and Lindly J

30-31 weeks (02/07/13)

This week started with a quick visit to see my best friend in Iowa.  She’s due with her 3rd baby girl only 2 days before me!!  It was fun to see her and her girls and get some time to catch up.  The trip was not nearly long enough, but it was still fun to see her family and visit. 

Not much to report – sorry a couple days late.  I am measuring right on time, which is good.  This keeps me in high hopes for a smaller princess, as one big baby was enough.  Blood pressure and glucose levels are looking really good, too. 

I am going every 2 weeks now until I hit 36 weeks, then it will be weekly.  Of course, I will have to see another member of the practice for weeks 38 and 39, as Dr. Moulton will be out of town.  What is his deal with going out of town the week before my baby is due??  He did that with Carson, too.  So, we’re hoping all goes well, and we make it until he gets back on March 28th (my parents are hoping the same thing). 

I am loving this beautiful weather, as I took the dogs out for 3.5 miles on Sat (Carson rode his bike for the first 2 – wow!), then we walked again for 2 miles yesterday.  We’ll go again tonight, as we may not have much of a chance later this week.  I’m not as courageous about the cold as I used to be. 

Lindly is VERY active and loves to see how far she can push before I push back.  She can be quite painful sometimes, and it can even cause a contraction, if she pushes too hard.  It’s lovely.  Oh, well.  Only 9 more weeks now, so not too bad.  However… we’re still not quite ready for her arrival, so we’re ok with it taking 9 more weeks. J

Smiles and Blessings,
CJ, Danie, Tanner, Carson, and Lindly J 

28 weeks (01/28/13)

Here we are again--- in the home stretch!  We have entered into the 3rd trimester.  Holy cow!!  I was filling out the pre-registration forms at the doctor’s office yesterday and about had a panic attack.  81 days to go…  That’s coming up faster than I thought!!

Lindly and I are doing very well.  I felt her at the gym this morning for the first time.  Yes, I am still at the gym 5-6 days a week and loving it.  I feel really good, and it helps with my sanity.  Plus, I think it will keep me in better shape for delivery and losing the weight afterwards.  Lindly usually just hangs out while I’m exercising, then starts dancing on our way home.  My belly is moving around quite a bit, as Lindly is quite a pusher.  She stretches a lot and pushes a lot.  It feels like she’s dancing and doing gymnastics when she’s not trying to push my belly and make it even bigger.  I don’t need her help with that or trying to get my belly button to stick out even further!

I had my glucose test yesterday.  I won’t know the results for a few days, but I’m going to assume all is well unless I hear differently.  My blood pressure was lower than normal, which is good, and I hope it stays that way.  (It got high at the end with swelling when I had Carson.)  I was told my weight gain is perfect, which made me feel really good.  Dr. Moulton measured my calves to make sure one isn’t bigger than the other (can indicate major issues), since I’m taking potassium to help with leg cramps. 

My appointments will now be every 2 weeks until 36 weeks, then I will go weekly.  The reality of a baby here soon is starting to set in, and Cj and I are trying not to completely freak out.  We are very excited, and Carson is asking how many night-nights until she gets here.  Wow… time sure flies when you’re having fun!  I’m getting close to wanting to be done, even though I am enjoying many parts of this pregnancy.  I’m just not quite ready for her to be here…

I am measuring about 5 days ahead of schedule.  Hopefully that means I may just go a few days early and not that I’m having another big baby.  I’d really like to have a little princess.  But, I’d be more than fine with happy and healthy; that’s much more important.

Smiles and Blessings,
Cj, Danie, Tanner, Carson, and Lindly J

24 weeks (01/11/13)

There isn’t too much to update at this point, as our appointment is next week.  Dr. Moulton thought he should go on vacation this week.

As you can tell from Carson’s picture, we are having a princess!!  We are SO excited!!  I think Cj is also partly relieved…  no chances of a surprise later in hopes of some pink. J  Tanner is a little concerned, as he’s worried about the teenage years.  I told him he’ll be long out of the house before then, and poor Carson will be left to deal with her.  He seemed to feel a little better after that.  My thought is that he’ll be able to use this adorable little girl to woo the girls when we take Tanner to college in a couple years.  Oh, yeah – I fully expect this to happen.

I got to see my belly moving a lot yesterday at work, which was so neat!  I’m not sure what music Lindly was listening to, but it must have been pretty good!  Cj was lucky enough to see my belly move last night, too.  Whenever Carson would look, she would quit moving.  So, he poked my belly a couple of times, but she wouldn’t listen.  Typical little sister!

As you can see, I am growing and growing and growing.  You can thank Cj for my cute outfit today.  He was nice enough to dress me in his clothes. J

Take care, and we’ll talk again next week!

Smiles and Blessings,
Cj, Danie, Tanner, Carson, and Lindly J

20 weeks (12/05/21)

I am going to start by apologizing to those of you who wanted to find out and I told you that Cj would tell.  After Cj and I talked yesterday, he didn’t want to share the news with anyone if he couldn’t share it with me.  I have a lot of respect for my hubby for that, and I greatly appreciate it.  Well, last night I asked Cj to tell me if we’re having a cowboy or a princess.  It was very important to him for me to know, and he was so good about not telling me with Carson when I didn’t want to find out then, either.  This time, it was my turn to compromise.  So, yes, I do know the sex of the baby, and no, I’m not telling yet.  We are going to announce to our families on Thanksgiving first, then we’ll see about letting our close friends in on the family secret.

Baby and I are both doing quite well.  We’re still exercising in the morning, and I feel really good.  I’m starting to feel the extra weight, and this belly gets heavy sometimes.  My size and weight are both fine, and I’m measuring right on time.  Baby is measuring about 2 days ahead of schedule, so hopefully that means an early birth rather than another big baby.

It was fun to see a happy, healthy, VERY active baby during the sonogram yesterday.  The sonographer kept having to chase the baby down and push on my belly to get the pictures she needed.  And, as soon as she’d un-freeze the screen from taking a photo, baby was in a completely different position.  It was quite entertaining, and I could clearly feel a lot of the movement.  We saw sweet little feet with 10 little toes, and we got waved at a time or 2 from precious little hands and fingers.  Such an amazing experience!  Carson did go with us, but he became uninterested after about 5 minutes.  He played on his computer after that and was anxious to see Dr. Moulton, especially since Dr. Moulton does a magic trick of pulling off his finger. J 

Baby’s heartbeat is strong and steady and all measurements are showing perfect on the scales. 

Cj and Carson haven’t gotten a chance to feel the baby kick yet, but we’re hoping it will come soon.  I’ll just have to have them close one night while I’m having dinner; that seems to be the busiest time of the night!

Photos will come next week, as I remembered to take a belly shot last night, but I forgot to bring the camera card today, and the sono photos are with my pregnancy journal.

If we don’t talk before then, have a very Happy Thanksgiving!!

Smiles and Blessings,
Cj, Danie, Tanner, Carson, and Baby J

17 weeks (10/25/12)

Nothing much to report at this time.  Baby is active and moving quite a bit.  In fact, she kept moving yesterday when we were listening to the heartbeat, so we kept having to find her again.  It was pretty funny.

I have felt quite a bit of movement, mostly in the form of pushes against my belly.  I have gotten 1 kick and 1 punch.  I am hoping for more pushes with my little dancer, rather than the kicks like I had with Carson (who was obviously born to play soccer like his daddy). 

The heartbeat is strong and steady, and my belly keeps growing bigger.  Sorry for the blurry picture; Carson was behind the camera. J  The belly looks bigger in person, so don’t be deceived by this photo.

Baby and I are still able to exercise, including running.  We even did the KC ½ marathon last Saturday!  We finished in 2:47, which is awesome!  I was able to run (jog) quite a bit more than I thought I could/would, and it felt great to be out there.  Very enjoyable, especially when I got to walk the horrendous hills.  

Carson keeps asking how many more night-nights (this is how we tell days in our house) until we see the baby and until she comes.  Yes, Carson is hoping for a baby sister, too.  He even tells me that we’ll go crazy if it’s another boy.  Ahh… he’s after my own heart. 

The big sonogram where Cj finds out if we’re having a cowboy or a princess is on Nov 15th – just 3 weeks away!  Too bad Carson will miss it, as he will be in school.  He’s been to all the appointments so far, so I’m kinda bummed, and I know he will be, too.  Cj can share the good news of the sex, as long as I don’t find out.  So, if you don’t think you can keep it a secret, you don’t get to find out either!

Until next time,
Smiles and Blessings to you all.
Cj, Danie, Tanner, Carson, and Baby J

Bump photos (10/17/2012)

Happy Hump Day!

Before I go and make a Facebook announcement, I wanted to let y’all know what’s going on and give you a BIG family surprise!

We have officially left the first trimester, as of yesterday.  Holy cow!  We are 14 weeks and cooking.  For those who wouldn’t believe I could “bump” this early, see the attached photos.  I realized I can no longer wear my normal pants (please come shopping in my closet, Jill) and the belly bands were getting uncomfortable by the end of the day, so I am now wearing my maternity pants/skirts full-time.  I am still able to wear my regular tops… for now.

We are very excited about this new addition, and we are thinking Team Pink! J  As much as I love my hubby and my boys, I really don’t know if I could handle another one.  Plus, I’d love to have a little princess.  Carson and Tanner are excited about the new baby, and Carson loves to tell people that he’s going to be a big brother.  He has taken to calling the baby “butterfly” or “sea monkey” (from the “Smurfs” movie).

Our due date is April 2nd, which is Sharon’s birthday.  While I’d rather not go the full 40 weeks this time, I would be honored to share that special day with such an amazing woman.

The baby had her first photo shoot at 9 weeks, 1 day, and Carson wasn’t really sure what to think, as it didn’t really look like a baby he would normally see.  The heartbeat came in strong last Wednesday, and I was lucky enough to get a recording of it on my phone.  Isn’t technology awesome??

As things continue to progress, we will keep you informed.  We have our next appointment on Oct 24th, then the BIG sonogram 3 weeks later.  Let’s see how long Cj can keep the sex a secret, since he will find out while I want a surprise.  Should we take bets on that one??

Either way, we have great names picked out.  The baby girl will be Lindly Gray.  Lindly for my cousins Lindsay and Carly.  Gray was Sharon’s maiden name.  The boy will be Sawyer Ronald.  Ronald is baby’s grampa. 

Please keep a happy, healthy mommy and baby in your prayers.  Thanks for sharing this incredible journey with us!

Smiles and Blessings,
Cj, Danie, Tanner, Carson, and baby J