Thursday, April 30, 2009


Carson and I ventured to Chilli on Saturday for Aunt Mary's baby shower. Things were great as he slept for the first hour then screamed/cried with no end for the rest of the drive. Needless to say, I was crying with him by the end. I just couldn't take it anymore. Once we got to Lou's (Mary's mom) house, things got better. Carson got some dry pants and new clothes in preparation for the shower. He was a total ham at the shower. He shared cake with Grammy, and he even posed with Aunt Mary. Too cute!

Robert and Lou (Mary's parents) were gracious enough to let us stay that night. Thank goodness! I don't think I could have handled another drive and the storms were really bad. It was uneventful, but a little disturbing since the house isn't baby-proofed and Carson is used to having the run of the house. I was so worried about him breaking something! His greatest enjoyment was saying "bye-eee" while opening and closing the door to the sunroom. Whatever keeps him happy!

Carson did well during church, where he wanted to be held by Uncle Sott the whole time, then started to get fussy and tired as we dropped off the swing at Uncle Scott and Aunt Mary's. Here goes the car again... Carson was asleep before we left town then woke up to eat lunch at McD's downtown then cried after that. Ugh! We got home 30 minutes later and he laid down with Cj. Carson ended up sleeping 2 hours! He really was a tired baby!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Okay - so I was a little freaked out to be seeing Dr. Oliver yesterday. I was told by my dentist that I have receeding gum lines that are becoming a little too far gone to just watch and get treated later. Great! After meeting with Dr. Oliver and fearing the worst, he told me that I have great teeth and will never need dentures. That made me feel really good!! However, I have to have gum graft surgery to rebuild part of my gums on the lower left side. My mouth is too small for my teeth, so the teeth are no longer centered in the bone-- they have been pushed out, which leaves a thinner bone and gum on the outside (by the cheek) and thicker on the inside (by the tongue). This was due to 4 permanent teeth being pulled for my braces. Isn't that nice? Anyways, this surgery shouldn't be too painful, but it is expensive and I may look like I have been punched in the face for up to 6 weeks. Gee, I can't wait for all of that!! Dr. Oliver doesn't seem to be too concerned and he thinks everything looks positive for the circumstances. The things we have to do for our teeth...

yucky snotties

Carson has had yucky snotties and a cough since Friday. They have not gotten better and seemed even worse over the weekend. I wasn't sure that was possible... In fact, he sneezed hard enough yesterday when in his highchair, that the snot trail went all the way from his nose to the tray. Gross!! I took him to the doctor on Monday, and I was told that he looks great but sounds bad. Lovely. We just have to wait it out and hope that it goes away soon. The drainage is making Carson's throat red and sore, which is causing the coughing, which is making his throat worse. Poor baby!! I think he likes taking over my bed, which makes Cj have to sleep somewhere else. For a little guy, he's quite the bed hog!! His bottom 2 eye-teeth just popped thru, so I'm hoping that will signal the beginning of the end. FYI - whoever said that teething and snotties aren't associated is completely wrong!! He/she never met my kid!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Growing up too fast

Carson is growing up WAY TOO FAST!!! He has been showing his independence, which is supposed to happen, I know. However, this morning it really hit me. Normally when we get to Linda's house, I carry Carson to the door, and he will sometimes help me knock. That didn't happen today. He wanted down as soon as I got him out of the car. He ran up the driveway and down the front walk. I helped him up the stairs, then he knocked on the door. When we got inside, he gave Keeley (Linda's 19-month-old granddaughter) a hug. It was too sweet! Then, I asked for a kiss goodbye. He ran over, gave me a quick smooch, and ran off to the kitchen for breakfast. Man-- it's all just flying by...
P.S. At least he snuggled me for a LONG time in the shower this morning. No, I didn't have time, and yes, I needed to get ready. I decided it was more important to snuggle a few extra minutes and cherish that time before it is all gone. Awww...


Easter Sunday was a lot of fun. Carson and I went to church with Grammy and Grampy to start the day. Yes, Mommy had to bribe him with an Easter egg with jellybeans during church! :)
I put together a kitchen set for Carson while he napped, hoping that he would play with that instead of my pots and pans. Not so much, but he did make some great meals and had fun playing. Too bad he can't make real food...

After playing with the kitchen for a little while, I thought it would be fun for Carson to go on an Easter egg hunt. Okay, so he didn't really get it. I videoed him playing with the first egg he found for over a minute. He shook the egg, dumped out the quarters, put them back in the egg, and started over. When I asked him to find another egg, he looked at me like I was nuts. Cj rattled an egg with jellybeans, and Carson ran over. He sat down to eat the "beans" and he was done. I put the rest of the eggs in the basket, and he couldn't understand why I wouldn't open all of the eggs with "beans" in them.

Bad thing about the "beans" -- Carson thinks they should come with every meal!! It wouldn't be too terrible, but the colored slobber goes everywhere. Ugh!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Saturday mornings

Saturdays start earlier than they should, thanks to Carson's internal alarm clock. It tends to go off between 5:30 and 6. Are you kidding me?!? I need to find a way to reset that alarm...
Carson usually goes downstairs to play with a cup of cereal while watching Disney channel. Mommy or Daddy is chugging coffee hoping to wake up in order to keep up with the kid when he's done eating. I do enjoy that time with Carson, but I just wish it started a little later...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Playing in the shower

Carson LOVES to play in the shower. In fact, it has been the cause for a few time outs when he keeps opening the doors and trying to climb in. He's not allowed to be in there unless Mommy or Daddy are in there with him.
On Monday morning, Carson tried to open the shower door and climb in as I was in the shower, so I opened the door and undressed him to let him come in. I got a nice surprise when I undid his diaper to find out he was poopy. Lovely. So, I brought him in the shower and put his little buns under the water. He had a grand ole time playing, then Daddy got in the shower with him so I could get out. They even sat under the water together. It was actually kinda cute.
Tuesday was another fun day. Carson came and got in the shower with me again. Daddy walked in right after we got in and asked if Carson had pottied yet. As soon as he said that, a tiny little fountain started going for about 10 seconds. Crack me up!! Carson had fun playing in the water again and wasn't afraid for the water to touch him, like he was before playing with Daddy on Monday. I got out and let him stay in and play until I got my lotion on. Before I could get him out, Daddy and I both looked over to see someone pooping in the shower. Ew! Gross! Daddy took care of it and all was well. Needless to say, we got Baby Buns out of the shower to clean him up and get a diaper on. I had to chase Carson thru the bedroom and get him out of my closet. (He had run over there and shut the door to hide from me as I ran after him with a baby wipe. Would have been a great video.) I got him out, cleaned him up-- much to his dismay, and got lotion and a diaper on him.
I came home from the gym today to Carson shouting "Mama, Mama" as I walked in the door. It was the best!! So, he helped me potty so we could take a shower. He was more than ready to get in before he was undressed or the water was on! So, I turned the shower on so the water could get warm. I got him undressed then started to get myself ready to go. Before I could get Carson in the shower, he peed on the floor mat. Lovely. This should have been an indication to me. Once in the shower, Carson played then stopped and squatted. Are you freaking kidding me?!? He stood up and there was the green corn poop. YUCK-OLA!! I moved him underneath the water away from the poop and cleaned it up with Kleenex - thank goodness the toilet is right next to the shower. I had to move Carson back under the water while I finished cleaning since I really didn't need any more help at this point. Gross!! After it was done, he was back playing as if nothing had happened. I let him play again once I got out, but not for too long before getting a diaper on that little bottom. I wasn't about to clean up again!!
Hopefully tomorrow will go a little bit smoother! :)