Monday, December 14, 2009

12 Days of Christmas Sale

This sale only goes thru Dec 22nd, so be sure to order here today! If you don't have a Big Shot yet, be sure to contact me directly to get 20% off! What a great Christmas gift!! Make sure you place your order by Dec 15th to get your gifts by Christmas!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Dancing baby

Carson LOVES to dance! I finally caught a couple good pics as he's running around the family room to the tune of Tigger.

What a helper!

Carson "helped" me get out the door on Friday to run errands when we were home together.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hot chocolate packet

This is why you don't leave your kid alone for more than 10 seconds...

Notice how he said "cheese" even though he didn't want his picture taken?
He was so proud of himself and kept saying "yummy" as he tasted the powder. That's not exactly what I was thinking.

Thanksgiving Eve

We went to Grammy and Grampy's to hang out with them, Uncle Scott, Aunt Mary, and Baby Ben. Carson was asking about seeing Baby Ben the ENTIRE way from our house to theirs. Got even worse when I had to turn around part way there to get his diaper bag - it had been a long day. Carson had a great time with Baby Ben!

Grammy fixed a Tigger chair she had found at a garage sale. Carson wasn't too sure about Baby Ben sitting in his chair.

Carson wanted to "stir" while Tanner and Grammy made pie.

Tanner's goofy pictures

Happy Day TO YOU

We celebrated Carson's birthday on Thanksgiving, since the family was already there. Ever since he saw his Tigger cake and we sang Happy Birthday, Carson would say "happy day TO YOU" (really stressing the TO YOU) when he saw the cake again or someone wished him a happy birthday. It was quite entertaining. We used to keep saying it to him just to egg him on so we could all laugh. At one point, I was holding him and he started singing "happy day to you" but he never got the "dear Carson" part. I got a good giggle out of that one.
He helped "foof" (what he calls blowing out the candles or blowing on hot food) the birthday candles. Great job! Yeah, Carson! (at this point he would clapping for himself)

When Carson opened his presents, he called it "open party" - he was opening a party in a bag. Too cute! He definitely knew what he was doing.

Happy Turkey Day

We went to Grammy and Grampy's on Thanksgiving Eve for Grammy and Tanner to make the pumpkin pies. Doesn't this look yummy?!? It was delicious - Tanner did a great job!

Carson posing with Grammy

Carson and Adalynn

Brittany and Landon reading to the kids - so cute!!