Friday, March 8, 2013

20 weeks (12/05/21)

I am going to start by apologizing to those of you who wanted to find out and I told you that Cj would tell.  After Cj and I talked yesterday, he didn’t want to share the news with anyone if he couldn’t share it with me.  I have a lot of respect for my hubby for that, and I greatly appreciate it.  Well, last night I asked Cj to tell me if we’re having a cowboy or a princess.  It was very important to him for me to know, and he was so good about not telling me with Carson when I didn’t want to find out then, either.  This time, it was my turn to compromise.  So, yes, I do know the sex of the baby, and no, I’m not telling yet.  We are going to announce to our families on Thanksgiving first, then we’ll see about letting our close friends in on the family secret.

Baby and I are both doing quite well.  We’re still exercising in the morning, and I feel really good.  I’m starting to feel the extra weight, and this belly gets heavy sometimes.  My size and weight are both fine, and I’m measuring right on time.  Baby is measuring about 2 days ahead of schedule, so hopefully that means an early birth rather than another big baby.

It was fun to see a happy, healthy, VERY active baby during the sonogram yesterday.  The sonographer kept having to chase the baby down and push on my belly to get the pictures she needed.  And, as soon as she’d un-freeze the screen from taking a photo, baby was in a completely different position.  It was quite entertaining, and I could clearly feel a lot of the movement.  We saw sweet little feet with 10 little toes, and we got waved at a time or 2 from precious little hands and fingers.  Such an amazing experience!  Carson did go with us, but he became uninterested after about 5 minutes.  He played on his computer after that and was anxious to see Dr. Moulton, especially since Dr. Moulton does a magic trick of pulling off his finger. J 

Baby’s heartbeat is strong and steady and all measurements are showing perfect on the scales. 

Cj and Carson haven’t gotten a chance to feel the baby kick yet, but we’re hoping it will come soon.  I’ll just have to have them close one night while I’m having dinner; that seems to be the busiest time of the night!

Photos will come next week, as I remembered to take a belly shot last night, but I forgot to bring the camera card today, and the sono photos are with my pregnancy journal.

If we don’t talk before then, have a very Happy Thanksgiving!!

Smiles and Blessings,
Cj, Danie, Tanner, Carson, and Baby J

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