Wednesday, February 4, 2009

So, here we are (a few days late) with a big announcement: Carson told me no for the first time. Needless to say, I am not so thrilled with this new word. It happened on Thursday evening...
Cj was on his way downtown for work, so he needed to bring Carson to me at work on the way. (He picked up Carson early from Linda's since she had a doctor's appointment.) Carson had a grand old time playing in my desk and helping me reorganize and clean it out. Too bad I needed to keep track of some of those files! Anyways, after putting my desk back together for the 10th time, I got a little more forceful with my "Stop, Carson. No, no." I guess he got a kick out of it because he took a folder out, dragged it across the floor, then stopped to look at me. I looked at him and told him to stop. He raised his little arm, and as he brought it down, he said "naw" then started to laugh. Oh, the little turkey. He started to grin at me and I couldn't stay mad. I am NOT ready for that word to be a part of his vocabulary.
Cj thought it was quite humorous when I called him to let him know what his son had said. Uh-huh (another of Carson's faves.)
Unfortunately, Carson has said "naw" repeatedly and he hasn't forgotten it yet. I guess that happens when he gets to hear that word a few times a day. He already has selective listening, as he acts as though I didn't say anything when I do tell him no to something he knows not to do.
It's a good thing he's cute...


  1. Isn't it amazing...we can't wait for our children to do something, then when they do, we wonder why we wanted it. The file folder story is just too cute. It is hard not to laugh when they pull stunts like that, then grin at you. Who says they don't know what they are doing? I bet you can hardly wait for "why?"

  2. Yes, I can wait for "why" and I may just teach him how to say "how come" instead. :)
