Friday, April 9, 2010


Daddy and Tanner went with us to church on Easter to meet up with Grammy and Grampy. We headed back to our house to play and help the Easter bunny hide eggs until Grammy and Grampy came over. Tanner and Carson went to find the 65 eggs that Mommy and the Easter bunny hid in the backyard. It was a beautiful day out! The boys had a great time and Daddy did a wonderful job on the grill! Good day for a nap! Jesus sure was shining brightly on that day as we celebrated the gift of His life. Amen!

Grammy and Grampy with the boys
Grammy, Grampy, and our family
Tanner and Carson hunting for 65 eggs
Carson hunting
Carson took out Tanner
Tanner trying to stop laughing
Family photo
Carson checking out his loot
Our Easter dessert (Mommy made Easter baskets out of the cupcakes)


  1. love those cupcakes, I need to try and make some of those next year. Also, love those family photos!

  2. what fun family pictures. looks like everyone had a great time.
